Based in Raleigh, NC, Tiffany Price Coley draws inspiration from the life experiences, architecture, structures, shapes and textures.
“Ultimately, I make jewelry that I like to wear. Often, I am drawn to a shape that I admire and I start creating pieces which incorporate that shape. Or it’s a texture. I truly enjoy the creative process and at the end of the day, that’s why I continue to do what I do.
Tiffany Coley Artisan Jewelry is a juxtaposition of work that is focused on being industrial yet a little feminine.
Her love of creation started at a young age. She was always fascinated by gemstones, which adorned her grandmother Ruby’s hands. Although she always created and made things, her love of math and science her to a career in engineering. She enjoyed the analytical side of solving problems (and she still does) and she never forgot her interest in jewelry and creating things
After the birth of her first child, with the help of a supportive husband, she decided to postpone the engineering career and spend time at home with her son. After lots of self-instruction and intensive workshops from artists that she admires, Tiffany Coley Artisan Jewelry has slowly grown from a small hobby into a full-fledged business.
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Tiffany can be found working part-time and teaching classes at, spending time with her 2 children and husband and stealing away in the studio every moment she can! Create, create, create! Tiffany believes that you should listen to and engage your passions – even if it’s a little bit. And no matter what, always dare to dream. (Then work, work, work!)
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“If someone would have told me 10 years ago that I’d have a career in art, I’d have said ‘Yeah, nice dream.”